Back to School Letter to Parents
Category : Early Intervention , Post Primary , Primary , Principal's News
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I hope you and your family are safe and well and enjoyed a lovely summer break. We look forward to welcoming your son or daughter back to school next week.
Please note the return to school dates:
Tuesday 30th August 1st Year and 6th Year post-primary pupils only
Wednesday 31st August All other pupils primary and post-primary pupils
Early Intervention: Wednesday 31st August unless a different date has been agreed with Co-ordinator Ger Lewis.
As you may have heard on the media, recruiting teachers is very challenging this school year. Holy Family shares this experience and due to retirements and teachers on leave of absence we will be starting the school year without teachers appointed especially in the post primary. Many of our substitute teachers are also not available to us. We will continue to work hard to source suitable teachers and, in the interim, put in-school measures in place for our pupils.
School Calendar 2022/23
A copy of the school calendar 2022/23 is attached.
School Resource Payments
As we must increase the cost of administration and practical subject expenses, we are not asking for Voluntary Contributions for this school year. A list of the expenses is attached.
We would appreciate full payment by the end of October 2022.
Parents and guardians have the option of spreading costs by monthly standing order over the course of the year, to cover all subjects and school activities. For parents and guardians who avail of this option, and we confirm we will not look for any additional payments this includes swimming fees for primary pupils.
School Transport
You will be contacted in late August (usually the week before the new term starts) by your child’s bus/taxi driver with details. Students who are travelling to school via public transport i.e. train or Bus Eireann intercity services will be issued with either a bus or train pass.
Please email Aideen Lynch or if the driver has not contacted you or you have concerns.
Please note it is parent’s responsibility to inform bus/taxi drivers of their son or daughter’s return to school date and if they are not availing of the service on any particular day due to illness, appointments etc.
A Safe Return
- As per directives form the Department of Education our current Covid protocols regarding hand sanitation and ventilation remain in place. NO CHILD, OR PARENT SHOULD ATTEND OUR SCHOOL IF UNWELL OR IF ANY MEMBERS OF THEIR HOUSEHOLD ARE UNWELL WITH SYMPTOMS CONSISTENT WITH COVID-19.
Arrival to School
Pupils travelling on school transport should remain in the car/bus until the school doors are open at 8.50 am (post Primary) and 9.00am (Primary and Early Intervention)
School Uniform
Students should attend in the required school uniform every day unless otherwise directed.
School Lunches
Students should bring a healthy lunch to school. Parents and Guardians of Boarding pupils should ensure they bring a lunch to school every Monday.
School Attendance
As a parent, you must let the school know if your child is absent and the reason why. It is school policy that reasons must be given in writing. Parents/Guardians can use the school diary which has dedicated pages for your notes. The school will notify the National Educational Welfare Board if a child is absent without reason for 20 days or more or where the absence gives rise to concern.
If your child is sick or is absent for other good reasons, no action will be taken by the NEWB. However, if there is concern about your child’s attendance at school or about the reasons given, you may be visited by an Educational Welfare Officer who will discuss your child’s education with you. The Officer will work with you and take full account of the circumstances of the child and the family before deciding what further action is necessary to ensure that the child receives his/her entitlement to an education.
Further information concerning the new service and about school attendance matters generally can be obtained from the national Lo-Call Education Helpline (Telephone 1890 36 36 66) which is staffed by an Educational Welfare Officer.
Audiology support will continue to be provided to all students following all necessary safety measures. Please ensure that your son/daughter arrives at school with working hearing aid/cochlear implant and other assistive technology (FM system) if applicable. Students should have spare hearing aid/cochlear implant batteries and be encouraged to change these themselves where possible. As always assistance will be provided to students when required. Spare batteries are available in school as usual at a cost of 50 cent per battery.
Mobile Phones:
The use of mobile phones is not permitted during the school day. For security, phones should be switched off and stored in the students’ locker or the school office before 9am. If pupils need to make a call during the school day, they can do so from the school office.
Well-being & Counselling
The wellbeing of all our pupils is central to our mission. If you have any concerns or need additional support, please contact Ms O’Rourke, principal or Eugene Doyle Deputy Principal.
Class teachers and SNAs
I would like to thank teachers Ms Katrina Connolly, Mrs Mary Ohle and SNA Kathleen McDonagh for their many years of dedicated service and wish them every happiness in their retirement. Four new teacher appointments for Primary and one for Post Primary are currently pending.
I wish to thank you for entrusting Holy Family with the education of your son/daughter, as we continuing to work with you throughout their time with us in Holy Family.
An ISL translation of this letter will be available on our website shortly.
Enjoy the last few days of the school holidays.