Drop Everything and Read (Day 3) and ‘Guess your Teacher’s favourite book’
Category : Post Primary
Day 3 Day 3. Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) 10.30am to 11am. We noticed that the students and staff are looking forward to this reading time and the positive effects it has on everyone’s well-being. We feel more relaxed & content after DEAR time. It is a proven fact that reading can help reduce stress. Reading can even relax your body by lowering your heart rate. Congratulations to Roisin for winning the best DEAR participant.
In the afternoon we had an online ‘Guess your teacher’s favourite book’ and general knowledge quiz which was great fun and exciting! well done to a sixth-year student who won the overall quiz. One initiative we also have as part of literacy week is a ‘Poem in your Pocket’. A student is to have their favourite poem in their pocket and if a teacher stops and asks them to show them their poem and to read it, they will earn 1 cream pie that they can hit a teacher in the face with! God help our teachers!! Well done to English Teachers on organising a brilliant Literacy week and it is not over yet! Tomorrow is World Book Day and we are looking forward to seeing everyone’s costumes!