Primary School


The children access the standard Department of Education and Skills curriculum that is available in mainstream schools and benefit from having a communication and teaching environment that is specially geared toward educating Deaf and Hard of Hearing children.

The teachers have specialist skills, a professional approach and on-the-job knowledge that enables them to communicate with and relate to the students.

The level of education and care provided by our professional staff is centred around the unique needs of each deaf student. Each student receives individual attention on every aspect of the curriculum.

Subjects Include:

Language Development

We endorse the aims of the New Primary Language Curriculum, with emphasis on the specific language needs of our deaf and hard of hearing pupils:

The acquisition of language is central to the child’s social and emotional development and is crucial for the development of the child’s cognitive abilities. We follow a language experience approach to language development where the children acquire language through all their experiences in school e.g. cooking, gardening, nature walks.

The focus for teachers throughout the child’s time in Primary School and across all curricular areas is to encourage all aspects of English language development – spoken language, lip-reading, sign language, listening skills, reading and writing.

All pupils have access to the services of a HSE funded Speech and Language Therapist.

English & Literacy

Our goals in English language development are:

  • To create, foster and maintain each child’s interest in expression and communication.
  • To develop confidence and competence in using English and to enable the child to express ideas, information, aspirations and emotions.
  • To foster the development of social and interpersonal skills.

Students can receive additional support with their literacy skills by accessing both the Edmark and The Wilson Reading Programmes???


Our goals in the Maths Curriculum are:

  • To develop a positive attitude towards mathematics and an appreciation of both its practical and aesthetic aspects.
  • To develop problem solving abilities and a facility for the application of mathematics to everyday life.
  • To enable our pupils to use mathematical language effectively and accurately.

To enable our pupils to acquire an understanding of mathematical concepts to their appropriate level of development and ability.

Arts Education

Arts education continues to play a very important role in the lives of our pupils with our annual Arts and Crafts Display and visits to art galleries and exhibitions.

The children frequently present concerts involving music, dance and drama, to which parents, friends and pupils from nearby schools are invited.

Arts education, in all its forms – visual arts, music and drama – enables our deaf and hard of hearing children to use a range of communicative expression through which they can explore their experience of, and interaction with, the world.

The experience of art provides them with a source of enjoyment and fulfilment that can add enormously to the richness of their lives and experience.

Our new school will continue with the Arts Council Artist in Residence and Composer in Residence projects and our co-operation with our local Cabra Library in creative writing and reading projects will also continue.

Music & Drama

Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE)>

The SESE curriculum has three distinctive yet closely related subjects – history, geography and science.

This year our pupils were winners in the Reel Science competition a wonderful project that combined science and drama.

SESE seeks to enable the child to:

  • Come to an understanding of the physical world (science).
  • The relationship of humans with their environment (geography)
  • The historical process through which that relationship has grown (history)

In developing this understanding, the curriculum helps the child to acquire open, critical and responsible attitudes and to live as an informed and caring member of their local and wider communities.

The children acquire knowledge of the lives of people in the past and experience something of the way in which historians go about their work.

They develop a sense of their own local identity, as well as being members of national, European and global communities.

They become aware of the application of science in the home, the school and the community while developing scientific concepts which help children make sense of their world.

The delivery of the S.E.S.E. curriculum is enhanced by a practical “hands on” approach with outings and trips to the local and wider environment.

Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE)

SPHE contributes to a positive school environment in which the individuality of all pupils is respected and opportunities are provided to enhance the health and well-being of all our children.

It will also assist our children in creating and maintaining supportive relationships, in school, at home and within the wider community, and in becoming active and responsible citizens in our society.

Our goals in SPHE are:

  • To promote the development of the communication skills necessary for interpersonal relationships and social competency.
  • To foster in each child feelings of self-worth and self-esteem.
  • To foster in each child a sense of care and respect for themselves and others.
  • To promote the health of each child and provide a foundation for healthy living in all its aspects.
  • To enable each child to make informed decisions and choices about the social, personal and health dimensions of life, both now and in the future.
  • To develop in each child a sense of social responsibility.
  • To enable each child to respect human and cultural diversity through a culture of acceptance of difference in the school environment.

Physical Education

The physical education curriculum provides opportunities for children to learn through the medium of movement. The primary focus is on the body and on physical experience, enabling children to develop physical skills and co-ordination that contributes to their social and personal development and helps them to lead full, active and healthy lives.

The curriculum strands are:

  • Athletics
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Games
  • Aquatics
  • Outdoor and Adventure activities

Our students benefit from the use of the school’s own private swimming pool, with a full-time qualified swimming instructor. They also have the use of a large indoor multi-purpose & sports hall, very attractive outdoor playground facilities, and a wide range of physical education equipment all delivered by a qualified PE teacher and supported by Deaf Sports Ireland.

The pupils are very lucky to be able to participate in soccer and GAA summer camps also.


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